Thursday, March 08, 2007

This crazy life

This has been a crazy week. I have not had time to really spend in prayer and meditiation this week because Rowan has been deciding to get up at 5 AM. Consequently for the last few days I have felt very restless, anxious, and agitated. This morning however, I was able to get up and have my time to pray, read my bible and consecrate the day to the Lord. It felt so good.

I am just praying that the Holy Spirit will help to focus my mind today and give me the grace to organize my thoughts. I am working on my Thesis, but much of the reading was done almost a year ago. There are so many different thoughts and concepts running around my head that have been discovered or created since that point. I must, must, must focus my thoughts and drill down my thoughts on this paper to the core concepts. I am not good at doing that. Just read my blog and you'll figure that out quickly.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You can do it honey. I know it feels like a step back to have to condense, but just think of it as a means to an end (being your doctorate/book) rather than the end in itself.