Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Poem and my Prayer

Come, YHWH
the To Be which is to Be.
Beyond all Being.
The Eternal Thou.
The Nameless Name.
Crossed on this Earth,
Yet sustaining it;
Open armed
Always and already

I lift myself to You
Open armed
upon my cross.
I, a living sacrifice.
Crossed in this being;
because of your
Crossing made righteous

Come, YHWH
Indwell me
with your Wind,
and with your Fire.
Be in me
as you are Beyond

Come, YHWH.
Sustain me
as you sustain
the Lion and the Lark.
Sustain me
as you sustain
the Grasses and the Herbs.
Sustain me as you
Sustain the Earth.

Come, YHWH
In your steadfast
Love, may I find atonement
for scorn, for pride
for jealousy and rage.
In your steadfast
Love, may I give atonement
for bitterness, for deceit.
For difference.

Come, YHWH
Guide me
on the paths
which only You know.
Guard me
from the enemies
which only You can defeat.
Go before me
in the wilderness
which only you
can turn to oasis.

Come, YHWH
the To Be which is to Be.
Beyond all Being.
The Eternal Thou.
The Nameless Name.
Crossed on this Earth,
beyond even my
comprehension of my

and Already


p.s I figured out yesterday that this is the first poem I have written in ten years, so please its been a long time . . . . be gentle!

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