Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm going to bring you into my world for a bit

I know this may be hard for you but I want you to read the following passage. There is so much to say about it:

That same love that sustains nonself-enclosed identities in the Trinity seeks to make space “in God” for humanity. Humanity is however, not just the other of God but the beloved other who has become an enemy. When God sets out to embrace the enemy, the result is the cross. On the Cross the dancing circle of self-giving and mutually indwelling divine persons opens up for the enemy; in the agony of the passion the movement stops for a brief moment and a fissure appears so that sinful humanity can join in (see John 17:21). We, the others – we, the enemies – are embraced by the divine persons who love us with the same love with which they love each other and therefore make space for us within their own eternal embrace.

What an amazing God we have. One who will give in entirely to anguish and agony in order to bring us into loving communion with the divine Trinity.

The wording here is so critical. We are the other, the ENEMY. We, humanity, who have turned our backs on God in order to make ourselves gods, are so loved that to bring us back into relationship, the Cross, the passion, all the agony, suffering and death which that entails, was necessitated. God creates a fissure within the existence of the Trinity in order to allow us to experience that Love. The love of the enemy.

stay tuned to this station for continuing updates on this developement!!!!

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