Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Can I just go back to bed??

Sometimes I wish I had my son's life. Actually most of the time I wish I had his life. Someone to organize my day, pick me up and carry me when I don't feel like making my own way, someone to feed me, pick my clothes (oh wait my wife does do that) and change my dirty nappies.

But especially, I wish that I could wake up from my nights sleep and then go back to bed an hour and half later.

That is definitely what I want to do today. I have forced myself to write for grad school this morning but really I just want to be asleep. It is cold and grey and I WANT MY BLANKIE!!!

However, the rugrat is crying and so I go . . .

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

In the Beginning

So this is the first of what I hope will be many many posts.

A little about me (and the name of the blog):
I am a stay at home dad. I do this by choice and by physical necessity.
Who am I dad to?

Well, I am glad you asked! The names of my children are as follows
Katie: aged 29
Rowan (often refered to as "Monkey"): aged 9 months
Bobby: aged 2
Basil: aged 5
Tigger: aged 5
Stone: aged ????

Now, can you guess how many of these are actually human and children?
If you do you win a prize!! (actually just the satisfaction of knowing you were right).

And thus the name: At home with the Menagerie

me·nag·er·ie (plural me·nag·er·ies) noun

1. wild animal exhibit: a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for the curiosity and entertainment of the public, sometimes as part of a traveling show
2. wild animal enclosure: an enclosure in which wild animals are kept for public exhibition
3. diverse or exotic group: a diverse, exotic, or unusual group of people or things [Late 17th century.

I think we qualify on all accounts!
More coming soon.