Monday, August 25, 2008

Broken Hearts

My heart is broken.

It is screaming out in anguish for someone whom I care about and someone whom I have held a grudge against and have disliked for months.

My heart is broken.

In the midst of this, in the midst of watching the devastation of two lives, I know --and believe me this is a deep down, totally don't understand it, walking out on thin air, faith in the messianic promis of an oasis in the desert knowing -- that God is still there.

In three and a half years of studying philosophy and theology I have come to the conclusion that following Christ means simply this: walking with a brother or a sister through all the shit and shineola that life throws at us.

It doesn't matter that my sister (in the body of christ) offended me. She is still my sister. And when family is hurting you stand firm with them. YOu let them lean on you and you share with them the small tidbits of wisdom that you have gleaned in the times that you have had to lean on them.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and with all your mind.

And through that love, come to realize that the person that you dislike is someone who needs love. They, their needs and their hurts, come miles and miles before your own.

Why? Because -- through Christ -- it is you who comes before them in your time of need.

Does it work all the time?


Doesn't matter though. Because that is what we are called to do.

The one who we are told to emulate, did EXACTLY that.

Through his crucified open arms he put us before his own needs.

I know through all the devastation that I see around me. And believe me, I see alot. Christ is still there with us

His heart is as broken as mine, as broken as my sister's and as broken as my brothers.

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