Wednesday, March 05, 2008

5 W's and an H

So I haven't written anything for almost four months.

Bad Brad . . . Bad Brad

Actually I don't think I have had a sustained deep thought since I finished my thesis.

But what I have been doing is Life.

Working, trying to find a better job. Watching my son grow and learn and change. Cooking, cleaning, getting my dog groomed. All of the truly important things in life (no sarcasm here, seriously).

This is truly a season of change for me and for my family. And I cannot let it just go and not think about the 5 W's and an H. Ok, so I am a true introspect. Something happens and I have to investigate and try to figure it out. I hope, and pray that that investigation brings me knowledge and wisdom for use in the future.

After more than three years I wrote my thesis and have received my Master's degree. I even got my diploma just last week. What an amazing feeling. A weight off my shoulders. Release, renewal, regret. I love being done, but I want to go back and do more too. And I will.

But for now, It is a time to do other things. Like, I don't know, find a career, be able to help support my family. Silly things like that

Any way: Watch this Space for more on this investigation

1 comment:

Amy said...

Here's some reasons to keep up blogging, my dear brother...

I've tagged you for meme's twice today. (Feel free to participate or not)!

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